(Page Generated:2012-01-12, 15:57:23)
- 这是同一个人吗? - 羽矢 (1464 bytes) 2012-01-13, 20:50:57 (641319)
- 又被教育黑线耽误了:“笨贼”以为砸坏监控显示器就不会被拍(图) - 095 (241 bytes) 2012-01-13, 20:09:53 (641316)
- 白衣禽兽的尊严:委员称医生工资应高出数倍 有尊严医改才能成功 - 095 (123 bytes) 2012-01-13, 19:34:54 (641315)
- 猎人, responses - cornbug (4231 bytes) 2012-01-13, 19:29:21 (641314)
- 讲一个故事,怎么用敬语 - 梅子 (390 bytes) 2012-01-13, 18:46:57 (641308)
- hunhunsheng06年跑1/3马拉松,耗时67分钟,进步好快啊;他全马成绩多少? (无内容) - FFT (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:41:12 (641273)
- 北大那个和云南姑娘谈恋爱的教授,听说被革职了,真可惜 (无内容) - FFT (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:21:19 (641268)
- iphone causes riot in beijing; store sale suspended (无内容) - r10 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 14:57:47 (641262)
- 这个用了3.2秒,她没动 - cornbug (83 bytes) 2012-01-13, 14:19:21 (641258)
- 中土的成功人士和小海归 - conner (177 bytes) 2012-01-13, 14:03:02 (641257)
- "山大教授"管人家山西的闲事干吗? (无内容) - Hoffman (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 12:45:46 (641247)
- 徐开彬:给我三、五千人民币作为我工作时间的基本报酬,我也乐意为你指 (无内容) - r10 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 11:49:30 (641242)
- 有人喜欢棒球吗?电影moneyball里说的Oakland的经理颠覆性的计算和理论到底是什么? - bluesea (224 bytes) 2012-01-13, 09:27:21 (641206)
- 大学副校长喝了酒开着车载着妞撞死两人只需要坐3年牢 - conner (30 bytes) 2012-01-13, 09:14:21 (641200)
- 汇报一下:上次水龙头堵塞确实是锅炉里的水垢引起的, - 湘女 (60 bytes) 2012-01-13, 09:08:36 (641198)
- 把湘女本属于今天的帖子提上来 - trus (103 bytes) 2012-01-13, 09:03:23 (641196)
- 一期新到3个姓“陈”的! (无内容) - Hoffman (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 08:51:33 (641193)
- 金融是对内掠夺:银行拒不兑现储户20年前存款 称不符合央行规定 - 095 (123 bytes) 2012-01-13, 06:36:12 (641182)
- 没改造好的教授:退休教授冒充军官招学员 诈骗140名家长1900万 - 095 (123 bytes) 2012-01-13, 06:34:00 (641181)
- 关于留学中介,现在的娃有钱呀 - 耗子 (252 bytes) 2012-01-13, 06:00:13 (641178)
- 数学家白根弟?!?? - Nixrreg (289 bytes) 2012-01-13, 01:11:57 (641168)
- 战士尿尿,希奶发飙;无时不报,时候不到! (无内容) - lga (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 01:02:26 (641167)
- 也说罗永浩 - 未火 (474 bytes) 2012-01-13, 00:33:00 (641166)
- 豆豉熏肉炒豆渣 (你要是不怕麻烦那就试一试) - 1FD7 (396 bytes) 2012-01-13, 00:19:01 (641163)
- xiao wolfram on technology - 短江学者 (1765 bytes) 2012-01-12, 23:33:05 (641160)
- Cornbug: how is film compared to digital? - 猎人 (104 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:34:50 (641151)
- How can you get something quantitative - cornbug (420 bytes) 2012-01-12, 23:03:10 (641159)
- Missed your Quality of Life question. here is my 2 cents: - 猎人 (855 bytes) 2012-01-13, 08:07:57 (641189)
- I have "change scores" as primary. Not sure Survival analysis - cornbug (105 bytes) 2012-01-13, 09:06:23 (641197)
- there is some confusion here. - 猎人 (199 bytes) 2012-01-13, 11:00:38 (641231)
- RCT design to test the effectiveness of an intervention - cornbug (647 bytes) 2012-01-13, 11:31:10 (641240)
- I am now getting your point - blackbox (461 bytes) 2012-01-13, 13:02:42 (641251)
- if I remember correctly, these are all called "quality (control) study" - 猎人 (334 bytes) 2012-01-13, 13:41:08 (641256)
- I have never been involved in a clinical trial - cornbug (929 bytes) 2012-01-13, 13:32:55 (641254)
- without much details re: type of intervention and outcome, - 猎人 (318 bytes) 2012-01-13, 14:43:13 (641261)
- ha, that is what I can say - cornbug (736 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:05:14 (641264)
- currently, is there a measure to manage this condition? - 猎人 (86 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:20:59 (641267)
- then your procedure and/or med is to abolish the attack - 猎人 (2058 bytes) 2012-01-13, 17:48:57 (641305)
- suvival analysis and QoL are additional measures - cornbug (38 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:38:39 (641292)
- Every thine has a psych impact, but not serious. - cornbug (302 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:34:05 (641290)
- Yes. She will do and get 5-10% of her salary. (无内容) - cornbug (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:23:38 (641286)
- triggered externally. (无内容) - cornbug (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:21:36 (641284)
- is the condition persistent or episodic? (无内容) - 猎人 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:07:19 (641282)
- still don't feel - blackbox (386 bytes) 2012-01-13, 16:04:08 (641281)
- what do u claim about your procedure compared with the med? - 猎人 (124 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:54:43 (641278)
- Yes. Medications with temporary relief and side effects. - cornbug (20 bytes) 2012-01-13, 15:28:48 (641270)
- few comments - 猎人 (817 bytes) 2012-01-13, 12:35:47 (641245)
- there is some confusion here. - 猎人 (199 bytes) 2012-01-13, 10:59:28 (641229)
- good points, thanks! (无内容) - 通知 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 08:38:07 (641191)
- it is good opportunity to learn new stuff - blackbox (325 bytes) 2012-01-13, 07:58:49 (641188)
- 1, to quantify resolutionn enlarge them until u see a difference. - 猎人 (87 bytes) 2012-01-13, 05:59:46 (641177)
- I don't know. I don't think film has higher resolution - cornbug (285 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:48:40 (641157)
- I still have a lot of films, both 135 and medium format. - 猎人 (220 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:40:59 (641155)
- 海军少将真不厚道,自己维护不花钱啊,说得轻巧,操!白眼狼嘛 - meiyou (1149 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:25:14 (641148)
- 九二共識 - Fuzzlogic (30 bytes) 2012-01-12, 21:25:10 (641131)
- 春节一天天的临近,然后这个城市就象一个一点点接近死亡的老头 - bluesea (16 bytes) 2012-01-12, 21:15:56 (641125)
- 明天去休斯顿 - eddie (491 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:59:42 (641105)
- 老兄南征北战, 厉害. 也得悠着点 - blackbox (9 bytes) 2012-01-13, 08:10:20 (641190)
- Seriously,像你们跑得hip和groin都出毛病的,有啥意思? - 淼水 (71 bytes) 2012-01-13, 03:14:42 (641172)
- 祝你早日恢复。跑出好成绩。 (无内容) - 何人可 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 00:30:03 (641165)
- 瞎整,hip已磨损,还跑,等着过几年换钛hip吧 (无内容) - 1FD7 (0 bytes) 2012-01-13, 00:28:34 (641164)
- 你这个比俺上次还惨,俺是赛前两个月出状况,你是两天! - 虎子 (92 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:09:48 (641144)
- 希望你不要想起梅子 - cornbug (28 bytes) 2012-01-12, 21:14:21 (641123)
- 银枪瘌痢头 - 淼水 (13 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:28:02 (641116)
- Huston, we have a problem... - steven (10 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:09:51 (641112)
- 量力而行吧,玩的开心就好 (无内容) - 梅子 (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:04:04 (641108)
- 有人玩过“笔仙”吗? - flyfreely (7221 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:00:51 (641095)
- 揭开笔仙碟仙惑众真相 - crystalkitty (10292 bytes) 2012-01-13, 04:02:27 (641175)
- 新语丝报道 - crystalkitty (5324 bytes) 2012-01-13, 03:45:16 (641174)
- 高中玩过“钱仙” - 虎子 (152 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:13:13 (641145)
- 鬼见愁! - crystalkitty (8 bytes) 2012-01-13, 03:25:11 (641173)
- 逼仙 (无内容) - 淼水 (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:49:21 (641121)
- 逼鲜 (无内容) - ASH (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 21:17:14 (641126)
- 那个曾经坐过我车后座的女同学(ZT) - 湘女 (119 bytes) 2012-01-12, 17:07:25 (641075)
- 曾经坐过我车后座的男同学 - 梅子 (54 bytes) 2012-01-12, 22:46:04 (641156)
- 估计这个素长得不漂亮。作者那时候还不知道欣赏内秀。 (无内容) - jxh (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 21:34:22 (641134)
- 帮帮我们翻墙过来的难民吧,copy/paste 一下吧。 (无内容) - bluesea (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:03:43 (641107)
- 见好就收不要得寸进尺, - 淼水 (22 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:37:25 (641119)
- 见内。 - 湘女 (6064 bytes) 2012-01-12, 20:07:16 (641110)
- 都肯让人的十有八九成不了 - whoami (86 bytes) 2012-01-12, 18:26:45 (641090)
- 就是成了也一定继续三心二意 (无内容) - 梅子 (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:07:51 (641097)
- 美国几年前流行一句俗话 - eddie (145 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:51:48 (641103)
- 厉害。99%如此 (无内容) - whoami (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:21:42 (641098)
- 蓝海说美女都少根筋 - 梅子 (88 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:35:10 (641100)
- 三心二意很正常 - 梅子 (50 bytes) 2012-01-12, 19:06:20 (641096)
- 为什么这样说? - 湘女 (56 bytes) 2012-01-12, 18:34:57 (641091)
- 现在该写“曾经跟我车震的女同学”了,人心不古啊。 (无内容) - steven (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 18:22:49 (641089)
- unsure how true but very outdated today's boys would hurry to take advantage (无内容) - r10 (0 bytes) 2012-01-12, 17:34:30 (641081)