送交者: skipper3 于 2005-3-15, 13:18:44:
回答: 请教:PhD of Statistics emphasizing Computational Finance 的在美工作前景如何 由 axj 于 2005-3-15, 00:55:53:
If you are looking for good money you don't stick to statistics, becasue it is only a tool, a LiKe after all.
Applications using financial statistics tools are where the money really is and are how you can differentiate from the crowd (therefore make yourself less disposable). I give you my valuable advice for free on where you may want to go:
1. Traditional financial risk management
2. Real options
3. Financial engineering
Keep in mind these are in WenKe domain. SO if you are a LiKe you need to get yourself ready for a major change in your way of thinking, before you get into these areas.