Starting from buying the raw materials.
送交者: steven 于 2009-11-21, 16:12:51:
回答: 再说了,the whole process 从哪一步开始算啊?以牛排为例,你具体说一说 由 为何偏偏喜欢你 于 2009-11-21, 16:04:18:
The secrete service and the state department liaisons will work with the Chinese side, in this case, according to the protocols negotiated before hand and following through. The detail may varies.
- 不要转移视线。offical banquets的饮食安全究竟是怎样保证的?这才是我们的核心问题 (无内容) - 为何偏偏喜欢你 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:43:20 (389030)
- because offical banquets also involves the officials of the host country, - steven (43 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:36:44 (389028)
- 你个文科傻妞!你自个说official banquets是例外。所以我才批判了你半天 (无内容) - 为何偏偏喜欢你 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:32:41 (389027)
- 没特供养猪场菜园子? (无内容) - 社精办 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:29:40 (389025)
- randomly selected in the US, and bring them with the President - steven (26 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:25:19 (389024)
- 如果randomly select stores 就能让你放心,那你还用得着千里迢迢带着水去? (无内容) - 为何偏偏喜欢你 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:22:31 (389022)
- 你忘了我们的假设是,对方千方百计要害他,而他要想方设法确保安全。 (无内容) - 为何偏偏喜欢你 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 17:20:10 (389021)
- In the US, the groceries shops are randomly selected, - steven (200 bytes) 2009-11-21, 16:59:21 (389014)
- 那不行!比如你就是那个卖raw material的,可以在卖之前偷偷作下了手脚 (无内容) - 为何偏偏喜欢你 (0 bytes) 2009-11-21, 16:25:58 (389010)