(Page Generated:2006-1-01)
- It was my idea too, and 1M is the exact number I posted here a few weeks ago. (无内容) - AI (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 13:45:00 (63226)
- 山西已经将煤矿伤亡处罚标准提高每人平均100万左右, 温州炒煤团哭着离开山西 - fair (6017 bytes) 2006-1-04, 13:31:48 (63219)
- 哈哈,中国人行贿受贿惯了,出国还要外交部提醒。(看第四条。) - Enlighten (898 bytes) 2006-1-04, 13:24:36 (63215)
- Marine arrested for not going to Vietnam 40 years ago - HunHunSheng (54 bytes) 2006-1-04, 12:59:56 (63211)
- "No, he strictly told us they was alive," Casto said. - 随便看看 (164 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:24:01 (63186)
- It's very common in songs, for example "she don't love me no more." (无内容) - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 14:02:58 (63235)
- Private Jessica Lynch is from WV, so is Lynndie England. - Scratch (107 bytes) 2006-1-04, 13:28:18 (63217)
- Unfortunately, this is exactly the reason they are miners. - Scratch (202 bytes) 2006-1-04, 13:15:00 (63213)
- Me no see nothing wrong. (无内容) - Latino2 (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 12:05:55 (63200)
- So what? West Virgina also voted for Bush in 2004. (无内容) - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:51:34 (63199)
- google "they was" (with quotes) 1200000 entries returned (无内容) - 4U4luC2 (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:33:35 (63193)
- This ain't nothing but a quote (无内容) - 4U4luC2 (0 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:28:18 (63189)
- Sudden Heart Death in Healthy men can be predicted by resting heart rate - HunHunSheng (129 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:23:04 (63185)
- 被困13名矿工只有1人生还。美国矿难死者家属表示愤怒 (ZT). - Latino2 (989 bytes) 2006-1-04, 11:14:44 (63182)
- 人家狄夷有理性,容易达成协议。 - Latino2 (1405 bytes) 2006-1-04, 10:26:35 (63175)
- 你们的孩子读中文吗? - fair (6713 bytes) 2006-1-04, 10:26:25 (63174)
- 如梦,死亡就是梦的结束。 - madeincn (100 bytes) 2006-1-04, 10:04:34 (63172)
- Heart Disease Prevention An Elusive Goal - HunHunSheng (40 bytes) 2006-1-04, 09:30:30 (63163)
- 立体电视机狂想曲 - cm (564 bytes) 2006-1-04, 01:30:30 (63145)
- 现在未名交友的地方,女的都是26以下,男都是36 - xj (122 bytes) 2006-1-04, 00:39:19 (63143)
- Glad to be back (无内容) - TheScientist (0 bytes) 2006-1-03, 23:43:01 (63142)
- Reuters、Guardian报道周叶中剽窃事件 - Yush (586 bytes) 2006-1-03, 23:17:50 (63139)
- “人海战”过时了吗? - xinku (906 bytes) 2006-1-03, 20:22:09 (63121)
- just read 方舟子《评杨玉圣《答“学术打假斗士”方舟子》》 - alsoRun (67 bytes) 2006-1-03, 20:18:48 (63120)
- 香港一家新航空公司将经营超低价亚欧亚美长途航线 - 4U4luC2 (69 bytes) 2006-1-03, 20:10:25 (63117)
- 致谢:吴礼,viscan,steven,PooHunny2,拉娃,拉疼,昏昏,炎阳。 - 笑笑 (111 bytes) 2006-1-03, 18:23:58 (63112)
- The History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor - xj (20514 bytes) 2006-1-03, 18:08:50 (63110)
- 看来杨玉圣冒名反战签名是真的??? - xysReader (455 bytes) 2006-1-03, 17:30:06 (63108)
- Do you decorate your house for past holiday season, with trees and lights? (无内容) - AI (0 bytes) 2006-1-03, 16:29:18 (63102)
- 说回国乱蹿的海龟80%都是骗子不为过,连“转基因大麻”“纳米家庭诊断仪”都整出来乐 - 炎阳 (262 bytes) 2006-1-03, 15:49:05 (63101)
- 网易年终盘点 - janz (34 bytes) 2006-1-03, 15:00:23 (63093)
- 韩国爱国民族主义说黄大呼悠是被西方反动分子暗算了 - 炎阳 (227 bytes) 2006-1-03, 14:20:32 (63085)
- 软件工程硕士研究生 - lga (89 bytes) 2006-1-03, 13:33:44 (63075)
- 国际领先水平 - jxl (4 bytes) 2006-1-03, 19:00:21 (63113)
- 人生是一次旅行 - penglaicao (3216 bytes) 2006-1-03, 13:08:03 (63072)
- 新年第一求教: - 笑笑 (476 bytes) 2006-1-03, 12:49:29 (63067)
- 为什么秦人的娃当不了National Selling Bee的前几名? (无内容) - Latino2 (0 bytes) 2006-1-03, 12:18:46 (63055)
- 英文的“MISSING”有时用法很奇怪。也许不能一概翻译成“失踪”。 - Enlighten (209 bytes) 2006-1-03, 12:03:06 (63053)
- e-bay上拍卖双头白娘子,要价15万刀。 - Latino2 (1809 bytes) 2006-1-03, 11:18:46 (63051)
- Food labels now required to mention trans fat, allergens - HunHunSheng (56 bytes) 2006-1-03, 10:44:17 (63044)
- Children not Safer in SUVs than in cars - HunHunSheng (191 bytes) 2006-1-03, 10:06:16 (63043)
- 濒危物种公约禁止鲟鱼子贸易 (ZT) - Latino2 (1022 bytes) 2006-1-03, 08:37:17 (63037)
- 转个好笑的:This year's Darwin Awards - jxh (5996 bytes) 2006-1-03, 00:10:56 (63033)
- CNN: 西弗吉尼亚煤矿发生爆炸,13人被困 (无内容) - JZ (0 bytes) 2006-1-02, 13:13:17 (63006)
- 方励之的酒店入住记录 zt - 田牛 (536 bytes) 2006-1-02, 12:41:09 (63000)
- 杨主任的问题不在他,而在于接受他的胡言的系统。昏昏为何不敢瞎吹成上将? (无内容) - 无知 (0 bytes) 2006-1-02, 12:32:43 (62999)
- Happy new year! - KF (138 bytes) 2006-1-02, 08:31:57 (62990)
- 请看,医心网介绍的著名专家 - jiaren (12976 bytes) 2006-1-02, 07:31:00 (62989)
- 吹牛不犯法,下一例接龙 - 红旗飘飘 (10634 bytes) 2006-1-02, 12:04:33 (62997)
- 半副对联:“来了就做做了就放下了了有何不了” (无内容) - lll (0 bytes) 2006-1-02, 03:36:34 (62988)
- my blog ! - hkbu (39 bytes) 2006-1-02, 01:30:45 (62987)