Nobody talks about the 1798 bone chilling law?


送交者: kma 于 2024-10-27, 11:16:30:

I didn’t know this state alien land law, always thought it’s executive order put Japanese American citizens into semi jails.

Politicians could apologize for the past, bot never thought nullify this evil law. Just like Biden could apologize for cruelty towards original children, but never going to admit this nation was built on genocide.

What chilled me most was not trump mentioning this law, but the npr reaction which just emphasized it ‘s overreaction, emphasize it’s not war time.

So rounding up Chinese Americans would be ok when war vs China happens?

Like so many issues concerning China now, it’s more na dmore like consensus and bipartisan, and there’s no escape, mind you. I used to think Canada as one, no more, Canada got Japanese into camps too in ww2 under Americans pressure, now considering Canada is quite following American step in dealing with China, considering Trudeau jr is already quite left and liberal.

And it’s not just Chinese, nor whether you anti or pro ccp either, this partisan view is based on your looks, not what inside of your brain.

Saying so many pessimistic things is not trying to depress people, but rather urging all Asian Americans to think how to react,

1. Voting democratic is a no brainer. politics is always ahead of economy. personal freedom is under threat, way more important than earning more dollars. Even I said it’s bipartisan, democratic still most likely going to be milder, if one days really all interned, more humanely treated.

2. Have to care about politics, extreme situation needs extreme measures, just vote for Asian faces don’r Care about their political views. If one has to be like Gordon Chang or miles yu to be trusted by mainstream, so be it, vote for people like them. Let white Americans know you can’t just look at an Asian and think the person must be a communist.

3. Keep the tradition of educating our kids, hopefully put more of them into non stem areas, produce more politicians, lawyers and economists.



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