this emotion thing is everything


送交者: kma 于 2016-06-08, 11:34:01:

回答: only for a short time. plus sex industry does not care about emotional side .... 由 短江学者 于 2016-06-08, 11:22:22:

for people all over the world, they don't quite understand why americans are so unhappy, they are the most blessed nation in thew world, they have everything! yet they are complaining this, that everyday...

it's just our human beings can never be satisfied, when we get all common needs answered, we develop new needs, and more of them will be about emotion.

i earn 1 million a year, my wife was a beauty queen, my kids are in ivy league, i finish marathon within 3 hrs.

but i am still unhappy!!! the job is demanding, my wife noit attractive anymore, kids only care themselves, my physique might be ok and i can't enjoy sex like young days, evne after thsoe blue on so on

surely, tech advance will solve this in some way, say take a pill and you get sated.

but most people still prefer "true" happiness

and it's not just americans, chinese, indians, when they get richer and not worry about food/cloth, they will worry or complain about other things, just like americans.

and these needs are job opportunities! how to make human beings happy? and they are not short term jobs, cause as long as we live we will complain about or need something, and we will pay to solve those issues



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